📃 How to Duplicate

Click/tap the $\color{#4fb0ae}\small\textbf{Duplicate}$ button in the top right of your window. This will copy this and the below System pages (which includes everything you need) into your Notion account.

GL System


â–¶ Getting Started

Once you’ve successfully duplicated this system, click/tap to start your reading journey! 👉

📚 Your Grand Library

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/2b644858-dea4-4a09-86f9-d7d40abc5288/ID_Logo_(Light).png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/2b644858-dea4-4a09-86f9-d7d40abc5288/ID_Logo_(Light).png" width="40px" /> By Adam ⫶ ☑ Notion Certified Reddit ∙ Notion Answers ∙ UpWork ∙ Twitter ∙ Newsletter


$$ \footnotesize\textsf{GL\_1.0 \;\;\;\;\;\;© Involve Design Inc.} $$
